Explore My Projects!
Weather App
Provides accurate weather forecasts using data from the OpenWeather API.
Technologies Used: React.js with API integration via OpenWeather API.
Launch ProjectWorld Clock App
Displays the current local time across multiple time zones, perfect for scheduling and global coordination.
Technologies Used: Built with HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and enhanced with Moment.js and Moment Timezone libraries for accurate time zone handling.
Launch ProjectAI Poems Generator
Generates unique poems on various topics using advanced AI algorithms.
Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, integrated with AI tools for poem generation.
Launch ProjectGame App
Features classic gameplay with engaging controls and animations.
Technologies Used: CSS, JavaScript, with custom animations and game logic.
Launch ProjectDictionary App
Allows users to search for word definitions, synonyms, and more, with real-time data from integrated APIs.
Technologies Used: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, React.js, with free API integrations.
Launch ProjectTask Manager App
Organize and manage your tasks efficiently with this intuitive app, built with modern web technologies.
Technologies Used: CSS, React.js.
Launching Soon